Sunday, October 28, 2012

How Everett is similar but different from Odysseus

             Overall Everett is similar in many ways to the character of Odysseus, however there are some stark differences between the two. Everett displays cleverness in the film "O Brother, Were art thou?", this is also a defining characteristic of Odysseus though out the Odyssey. When Everett meets the radio station manager and tells him that they are all colored and there is white, which is a reversal from the truth, it shows cleverness that is similar to Odysseus. Also similar to Odysseus is that Everett will sometimes get himself into trouble due to his cleverness and other characteristics which more often than not get them both out of trouble . An example of this is when the radio manager goes looking for the colored men that played the music, so that he could give them an opportunity to become rich. But because Everett was clever and told the radio manager that they were colored he caused himself issues. Odysseus gets into these situations to such as when he was telling people and Gods alike in the Odyssey that he was somebody that he was not. The difference is that Odysseus wants to get home but is not constantly being chased during the Odyssey. Everett wants to make it home but is also constantly being chased by law enforcement. Also the amount of time that it takes for the Odyssey to happen is years and not days, another difference,  Despite these minor differences the directors of the film did an excellent job portraying the cleverness and characteristics of Odysseus in the character Everett.

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