Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Odysseus and Everett... a likely pair

          The parallels between Odysseus and Everett are many. In the film O Brother Where Art Thou the main Character Everett who first name is Ulysses the Roman name for Odysseus is on a journey to get home, the same can be said for Odysseus but Odysseus wasn't a prisoner compared to Everett who is . Odysseus has his whole crew die Everett on the other hand does not. What can be said about the Character of these men , they both speak with sliver tongues and are quick witted . Odysseus skill ensure his survival and the same can be said for Everett . The both can speak and think there ways out of situations. Since they are both smart men they questions norms or certain practice such as being baptized . Next can be said about the men and there misfortune as they fall asleep and then they end up in a different place or different issues when they awake. Next the hair, both of the characters and there hair is both an object of constant attention for the both of them. At the end of the movie when Everett must go and get the ring , it is an impossible task as it is for Odysseus to appease Poseidon with an offering, but is something in which both men have to do.

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