Monday, October 15, 2012

Odyssey book 6 - Summary

Book 6

The epic takes up after Odysseus' escape from the sea and finally making landfall on the Phaiakian country. It starts with Athena going to the city of Phaiakian to devise the homecoming for Odysseus. Athena speaks to Nausikaa in her dream to tell her to go on a "washing" tomorrow since her marriage wasn't far off and the laundry needed to be done. Soon after Dawn cam and rose Nausikaa and she did as Athena told her to do and she convinced her parents to allow her to wash all their clothing by the river. Using this as a medium Athena would have Odysseus meet Nausikaa and her hand maidens.
Odysseus awoke to the sound of the girl's distress when they lost a ball during their game. Using a leaf branch to cover himself Odysseus makes his way to meet these girls. At this point he is compared to a hill-kept lion who has ventured down to hunt out of necessity, just as Odysseus must himself aware to the Phaiakians so that he may be able to go home. All the girls ran away except Nausikaa whose heart had been steeled with courage by Athena. She alone stood her ground against Odysseus, after that he may terrify the girl Odysseus stands away from Nausikaa and asks her for clothing and to show him the way to town. Nausikaa agrees to this much saying that all people's fates are given by Zeus whether they are good or bad men.Odysseus washes himself in the river and Nausikaa tells him the directions to town, as a precaution she told him that he should make his way well after Nausikaa has left so as to avoid suspicion since Nausikaa was supposed to be married soon. Nausikaa also tells Odysseus what to do once he enters the place and how he should present himself to the King and Queen.
Odysseus watches Nausikaa leave and once she was out of eyesight he makes his way to town, there Athena disguised as a maid shrouds Odysseus in mist so that he can approach the city stealthy since the Phaiakians were xenophobic. 

-William Jim

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